Mark Dice says Florida shooting kids used Snapchat not 911

Conservative YouTuber Mark Dice has been slammed for saying students caught up in the Florida high school massacre took Snapchat pictures rather than call 911.Disturbing pictures and images have emerged from inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz shot dead 17 people.But in a tweet that has been subsequently taken down, conservative conspiracy theorist Dice said: 'Someone want to tell the Generation Z kids that in the event of a school shooting, they should call 911 instead of posting a video of it on Snapchat,' he wrote.   YouTuber Mark Dice used his channel to rant about the shooting, saying Democrats wanted to use it to restrict gun ownership  The conservative pundit claimed students caught up in the massacre posted pictures on social media rather than call for help  Dice also took to his YouTube channel to rant at Democrats, who he said 'will try to use this again to push for a repeal'. He claimed senior Adam Schiff was trying to link the shooting to Russian interference in the US Presidential electionAlso on his YouTube show and also on Twitter, Dice blamed mental health problems rather than guns for the massacre. A photo shared on Snapchat showed a classroom sprayed with bullets: 'There's bullet holes in the f***ing computer.' Survivor Sarah Chadwick hit out at Dice, making it clear students dialled 911 'as they were running for their lives''We don't have a gun problem in America. We have a mental health problem. #GunControlNow will not solve the underlying issue, it will only cause the insane to erupt in other forms. #Parkland.'The videos and images have put outsiders directly inside the bloodied classrooms and hallways as gunfire rang out and terrified students screamed for help.Sarah Chadwick, who survived the shooting, tweeted her disgust at Dice's comments and corrected him on his assertion pupils took to social media rather than called 911.'7 people are dead. 17 of my classmates. This is how you f****g respond? How much of a heartless dick do you have to be to tweet something like this.'And btw as we were running for our lives we were calling 911 to the point that they told us not to anymore.
